
He is the Rockets winning Jones

Away lost rocket pioneer series leveled against the total score was level 1-1. Despite the poor overall performance of the rocket team, but Weaver showed his true colors of the culprits bench, game, he came off the bench 27 minutes, the Rockets scored the second highest of 21 points, snatching at amazing efficiency. What is most commendable is that no one can break through his block.

Weaver game debut as a substitute in the first section 2 of the warm-up minutes later, he fully entered in the Section II state - in this section, he played nearly 12 minutes, the Rockets own the second cut section 25 of the 12 points! Section II games, a pioneer in the Roy and Aldridge feel good constantly basket successful rocket attack, but Weaver is almost alone in their confrontation with the power of the Gemini Portland - the beginning of this section ,Weaver pioneers began to impact on the basket, since he got out of hand: 7 minutes 39 seconds left, Weaver successful vote on the left; 6 minutes and 46 seconds left, the right breakthrough Weaver , in the face of the pioneers of anti-insider added, he had dumped a lightweight 2 points; 4 minutes 33 seconds left and a right One-third of line Weaver pass from Hayes, Jan is a two-thirds of hand! Rockets, led by his 4-point lead made. However, the culprits rockets bench boss in the fourth quarter's performance is Shen yong, the last one has been killed the Weaver soon after opening with a sharp break to complete a beautiful "2 +1", and then He also cut defensive end in a Blake's pass, at the same time to launch its own fast break with a dunk to help the rocket leveled the score 77-ping. 7 minutes 50 seconds left, Weaver had a free hand in the left
breakthrough players, successful jump stop; less than half a minute, he firmly and directly break the pioneers of the basket, resulting in a foul Joel Przybilla, 2 2 add 2 penalty minutes. Unfortunately, the rocket will be victory or ruin left in the hands of their own mistakes, lost away. The game ended, Weaver was a single sub-sub-21 set its own single-game scoring record of the playoffs, even though the rocket finally lost the game, but Weaver is the biggest game they harvest. After two games, Weaver has been gradually shedding coat rookie of the playoffs, and slowly become mature, stable, but also shows a certain amount of general practice. Weaver game is the most praiseworthy of his breakthrough, his breakthrough to the pioneers of direct insider destruction caused great, I believe Weaver Lane in the next game will be a winning hand Adelman Jones of .

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